Articles - Administrative Medicine

Physician Leaders Are Valued

In recent years, leading healthcare organizations have begun to encourage physicians to pursue leadership positions, and in fact, many of the most prominent hospitals in America are currently run by physicians. Indeed, the business of healthcare has never been more complex than it is today, and there is a clear benefit to having physician leaders who are not only experts ...

Physician Leadership is Growing in Importance

One of the biggest changes to American healthcare in the 21st century has been the rapid growth in the need for physician leaders with business-oriented skillsets. Historically, physicians have been able to focus the lion’s share of their time on patient care, worrying less about day-to-day management and more about ensuring that their patients were as healthy as possible. However, ...

The Need for Strong Physician Leadership has never been Greater

To say that the American healthcare industry is rapidly changing would be an understatement. Increasingly, healthcare is becoming more and more collaborative, highly specialized and technologically advanced. While the top priority of every physician continues to be to deliver optimal patient care, the day-to-day responsibilities that come with practicing medicine have changed rapidly in a relatively short amount of time. ...

ABAM Certification Distinguishes Physician Leaders

The American Board of Administrative Medicine® (ABAM) was established by the American Board of Physician Specialties® to recognize physician leaders with extensive expertise in both medicine and the business side of healthcare. Over the years, Board Certification has become the most highly recognizable and trusted indicator of a physician’s expertise in their chosen field, and ABAM Diplomates can represent themselves ...

ABAM Eligibility Requirements

The American Board of Administrative Medicine® (ABAM) was developed by the American Board of Physician Specialties® (ABPS) to provide board certification to highly trained physicians who have experience in the business side of medicine. This represents an exciting opportunity for highly motivated physicians who are interested in obtaining leadership positions as the healthcare industry continues to evolve. To be eligible ...

Positioning for Change – What Physician Leaders are Saying About Administrative Medicine Board Certification

The American Board of Administrative MedicineSM (ABAM) was established by the American Board of Physician Specialties® (ABPS) to identify and recognize highly qualified physicians who are experts in the business side of medicine. As the healthcare sector continues to modernize, there is a clear, demonstrated need for physician leaders with training and experience in disciplines such as health administration, business ...

Physician Leaders are Transforming Healthcare

For many years, one of the largest problems facing the American healthcare system has been a shortage of physician leaders. As medicine has become more streamlined, economized, and consolidated, hospital groups and other large healthcare organizations have tended to be led by business leaders, not medical doctors. However, in response to recent changes in healthcare policy, there are more opportunities ...

As Healthcare Becomes More Complex, Physicians are Increasingly Turning to Administrative Medicine

The Affordable Care Act has created more leadership opportunities for motivated physicians than ever before. As the healthcare industry has grown increasingly complex, many physicians are electing to pursue formal training in healthcare management, often to be better prepared to run their own practice or to be better situated to assume leadership roles as their career advances further. It wasn’t ...

Recognition for Physician Leaders

Becoming board certified in Administrative Medicine through the American Board of Administrative Medicine® (ABAM®) is an excellent way for physicians with extensive business experience to distinguish themselves. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, there are more leadership opportunities available to motivated physicians than ever before. To help identify the physician candidates with unique expertise in both the medical and ...

Who Benefits from Board Certification in Administrative Medicine?

Pursuing board certification in Administrative Medicine is an excellent option for physicians who have experience in the business side of medicine. These days, more and more physicians are looking for ways to make themselves more marketable on the job front, more involved in the day-to-day management of healthcare organizations, and better equipped to lead. As a result, there has been ...

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